
Apple Cake

This is one of my favourite recipes, I just love it! I usually bake this cake for dinner.

It is very refreshing and the main ingredient are apples. It is very delicious cake that will make you and your friends happy, especially as it is very healthy.

This cake literally melts in your mouth. It is made with wholemeal spelled flour, apples, 2 eggs, baking powder, agave syrup, coconut oil and yogurt. With apples as the main ingredient this cake is very light, but can easily be used as a meal as well as dessert.

To give it an extra taste, sprinkle it with a coconut blossom sugar!



  • 2 cups wholemeal spelled flour
  • 4 tablespoon of coconut oil
  • 4-5 tablespoon of agave syrup
  • 1 big yogurt
  • 1kg apples ( 5-6 bigger apples)
  • 1 teaspoon organic baking powder
  • 1-2 teaspoon cinnamon


Peel and scrub the apples.
Whisk eggs with baking powder. Add flour and yogurt and mix it together. Pour with agave syrup and coconut oil and mix it all. At last add grated apples and cinnamon and mix it one more time.
Put a baking paper on a baking sheet and pour mixture like this:

Bake a cake on 180°C for 45-50min. After the cake is baked, allow it to cool down and than cut it and eat it.

0 thoughts on “Apple Cake
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