
Veggie Burger

Are you in for a tasty and healthy burger!? All you need are fresh zucchini, carrots, potatoes, eggs and oatmeal.

Ingredients for 2


  • 2 middle zucchini
  • 2 carrots
  • 2 potatoes
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/2 red onion
  • cup of oatmeal
  • salt


Scrub zucchini and put it on the side.

Scrub carrots and potatoes and chop onions. Add 1 tablespoon of olive oil in the pan with little water and warm it up. Add chopped onions and cook it for a while, than add carrots and potatoes and mixed it all together till vegetables are tender. Put it on the side and allow it to cool.

Wring water from zucchini and add it in the bowl. Add mix of carrots and potatoes to it and mix it together. Put 2 whole eggs in and mix it together. Now it is time to add a oatmeal to unite mixture. At the end add a salt to it.

Make a little burgers with your hands, roll in cornmeal and fry them in a pan on a coconut oil or bake them on greaseproof paper in the oven.

As a side dish i love to prepare sliced potatoes in the oven. Just wash the potatoes, cut in half and put on the greaseproof paper and bake. Make a salad with it and enjoy!

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